California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) requires retailers to disclose measures used to track possible slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains.


Certification Requirements

As part of our Master Purchase Agreement, all ALDI direct suppliers agree to comply with the ALDI Corporate Responsibility Principles. These include the ALDI Supplier Standards in Production where we expect our business partners to fully comply with all applicable national laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, ILO and UN Conventions where they are consistent with national law and/or any other relevant statutory requirements.



Our Social Monitoring Program is designed to monitor compliance with the ALDI Social Standards of Production. We require production facilities in high-risk countries to be audited by an independent third-party who conducts semi-announced and unannounced audits when appropriate or feasible.  



ALDI Social Assessments (ASA) may be conducted to verify supplier information received in discussions and third-party audit reports including risks of human trafficking and slavery. The purpose of the ASA is to evaluate the effectiveness of suppliers' monitoring systems based on the social compliance performance of its production facilities.


Procurement Training

We train our relevant employees and managers on company policies and procedures regarding social compliance (e.g., human trafficking and slavery) and how to mitigate risks within supply chains. We've also developed the ALDI Code of Conduct, which all employees adhere to, that provides additional guidance about policies and standards when needed.


Internal Accountability

We hold our employees and contractors accountable. If we find violations to our human trafficking and slavery policies, we will take reasonable and necessary measures to address the situation. We also have a toll-free number, managed by a third-party, for our employees, business partners and suppliers to confidentially report any concerns.  

See also CA Chemical Disclosure